Haven't been on Blogger in an extremely long time.
The other day some shop owner in Cabramatta thought my dad was his sister's son LOLOLOLOL
My sister is in Japan right now. Wish I was there TT-TT All this cool stuff is happening in the land of the rising sun right now.
Show some support for SE7EN (Korean solo artist) after his 3.5 year hiatus! Check out his new MV for his song I'm Going Crazy. It's a sad MV but good song. His real-life girlfriend Park Hyan Bul, who is featured in it, is pretty. ^^
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Welcome to Sunnyside!!
Watched Toy Story 3 last week with Stella and Anne. It's a really good movie!!! Really, really, really good. It's better than the first or second one. Sad and funny. I cried at the end TT-TT Mrs Potato is hilarious and Barbie is cool in the movie.
It's been a while since I updated my blog. I'm in the middle of my uni break. It was kind of productive in the first two weeks and now I'm bludging. I see my sister doing school work and it makes me feel like doing some homework. I'm all ready for Semester 2! ^-^ Winter is dangerous people. If you're cold get a jacket or some gloves or socks to wear. I was cold and was too lazy to wear them so I became sick with a fever over the past few days. Vomited 4 times in one day. Anyways, you didn't need to know that much information~ Moral of the story is to wear lots of layers and not stay cold.
And I'll end with a video heh. Wonder Girls' Nobody in English. They're touring around the states right now.
I want nobody nobody but youuuuu~
Monday, June 14, 2010
Rediscovering old loves
So I know I'm supposed to be studying for Accounting Final tomorrow but I can't help but get distracted. Watched TVB yesterday with Mum after more than a year of not watching it properly. I was watching Ghost Writer. So far it's good. :D
Credit: k-tvb.net
And Yiruma!! I love this guy. His piano pieces are so nice~~ I think I'm going to get his Ribbonized 6 CD Signed Box Set after all my exams are over.

Credit: k-tvb.net
And Yiruma!! I love this guy. His piano pieces are so nice~~ I think I'm going to get his Ribbonized 6 CD Signed Box Set after all my exams are over.

Wasted almost an hour on net doing nothing. Printer is appearing offline so I can't print accounting lecture notes. Back to studying. TT-TT
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Can't wait for the 18th June!
[HD] MV - Cabi song (Caribbean Bay) 2PM & SNSD
That was the full MV of that teaser I uploaded before. Well the point of sharing that was to LOL at the picture below.
Here's another one not related xD
Pics are from shizznizzle @ tumblr~
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Give me my LEGT1710 lecture!!!
Okay OMG, people are insane. I went online to do my timetable which I had nicely planned out and discover that the lectures for Business Law are all full. O.O But there were plenty of tutorial spaces. So obviously there's quite a few retards who enrolled only in the lectures. (#@$*#($ *sigh* Anyways enough raging. I am doing Accounting IB next semester instead *screams and dies* That was exaggerated but I really wanted Business Law. I'll wait until next year then >_>
I have two tutorials on Friday. Lovely.
I have two tutorials on Friday. Lovely.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Semester 2 Timetable
I hate editing posts on Blogger. I've been trying to edit my last post to made it easier to read but it hasn't been working. Anyways I've made a timetable for next semester. Not allowed to enrol yet though.
ARTS 1661: Lecture: MON 12-2; Seminar: MON 3-4; Tutorial: WED 9 -11
ECON1203: Lecture: MON 4-5 & TUE 5-6; Tutorial: TUE 12-1
LEGT1710: Lecture: TUE 3-5; Tutorial: WED 12-1
MARK1012: Lecture: MON 9:30 – 11; Tutorial: THU 12-1:30
I have to go uni for one day on Thursday for Marketing cause I don't want to two tutorials in one day. Oh well, I'll go early to do work or something.
ARTS 1661: Lecture: MON 12-2; Seminar: MON 3-4; Tutorial: WED 9 -11
ECON1203: Lecture: MON 4-5 & TUE 5-6; Tutorial: TUE 12-1
LEGT1710: Lecture: TUE 3-5; Tutorial: WED 12-1
MARK1012: Lecture: MON 9:30 – 11; Tutorial: THU 12-1:30
I have to go uni for one day on Thursday for Marketing cause I don't want to two tutorials in one day. Oh well, I'll go early to do work or something.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Who remembers Windows Spaces?
WARNING: Extremely long blog post! I was reading old blog posts and started feeling slightly nostalgic *sniffs* Then I decided to dig up my Windows Live Space! Gosh first blog post ever from my was in March 2006. It doesn't even sound like a first post. Haha it's quite funny but it makes me remember things back then. Everyone's comments were either funny or thoughtful. And the way some of you's typed back then LOL Preethi never fails to make laugh even though I'm just reading things she typed a few years ago. So here's a few of my posts back then with some comments included. I picked out the ones I liked :D By the way...man was I one thoughtful kid back then. I thought too much. Maybe I still too ^^"
The Hidden Heart
Spring Is Coming!
First post ever! 060326
28 March
last week had been a really confusing week. heaps of things happened too. but then again my life is confusing >.< i dont know why but these stuff started right after the Crossing the Divide camp.
anyways i shouldn't talk about this...its too gloomy for me. overall though i hated last week =Si'm typing this when i'm nearly gonna go to sleep so i'm not thinkin right. its like 9:44pm. i don't understand why people get depressed. i admit that and when some of my friends become depressed i don't know what to do. i get pissed when i see them tryin to act normal...and i don't know why. if any of you guys reading this get down or something like that tell me. i might not be able to helpyou out but i'll always be there for you. lol i'm not good at saying things.
anyways i just wanted to say that i love all of you guys...i know you wouldn't expect me to say this...everyone in the "family" including Angela,Hanson,David and everyone else who are my friends including MC, Stella, Spaz, Helene, Sus, Preethi, Andrea, Ryan, Adam, Manda.........there's too manytoo name! but then its ok cause you guys will always know that you're my friends no matter what. =]
cya laters and good night! ^^
*by the way Preethi's a fatty hippo and DELUSIONAL...don't tell her i said that=D*
manda wrote:
YAY IM A FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'll always be your friend til death. OMG HAHA I can't believe I wrote that.
look wendy...wat is it with u and tryin 2 kill me???...y dont u just admit it and say dat ur
scared of mi tai chi moves.....lol....even if u kill me ill still haunt u...kiddin....r u feelin ok
now?>??(BLUDGER BLUDGER BLUDGER!!!!) oh and nuthin much happened @ skool
......we got our ID cards and everybody loox sooo funni!!!!...hehe.....(xcept me...)...just jkn......
(BLUDGER BLUDGER BLUDGER!!!)...oh!!! ....KUM 2 SKOOL 2MOROW coz i wanna
sing u mi ANT song.....ill start it here.....the ants go marchin one by one...HURRAH...HURRAH
....the ants go marchin one by one...HURRAH...HURRAH.......the ants go marchin one by
one till da lil one stops to........(TO B CONTINUED AFTER DA BREAK...)
ahaahahha well done..like my steak =]
Anyways going off on a tangent here BUT I wrote a poem back then! Wowee. I'm not posting it though cause it's weird. The comments are more interesting than the blog posts themselves xD
OMG!!!!!!!!!!....WHO COMMENT B4 ME??????????...UR SO GOIN DOWN ONCE I FIND OUT WHO IT IS!!!!!!
OMG.....cant imagine wat itd b lyk to b wendys sister.....i feel so sorri 4 ur sis.....tell her i understand ur pain......lolz....yea...there r sad and happy moments in lyf...happy is when u find da rainbow coloured soks uve been lookin 4(i bought them yesterday)....and sad is when they tell u dat they wont giv u a discount on da price of da sok....but wither way ...its all good.....AND IM A SHINING FUNKEE MONKEE STAR!!!!!...IN UR FACE WENDII!!!!!!....err...wait a sec...she called u one too...DAMN!!!...silly silly angela...she is under da impression dat ur a funkee monkee....lolz....she doesnt noe dat ur a PRETTY funkee monkee too!!!!!!!!!!....hehehehehehe
wahh.. wendy, my eyes are dying. =_O everytime I try to read the page, the words quiver
16 June
The Hidden Heart
and i changed my theme so angela doesnt see squiggles^^
once upon a time there lived a foolish traveller. he was on a journey but he was always taken advantage of because he was so stupid. he was cheated of all his money, his clothes and even his shoes. yet when the townsfolk lied and "thanked" him for his help the traveller would burst into tears and keep repeatin the words "i wish you happiness". the traveller eventually gave away everythin and embarrassed of his naked self he left and headed off into the forest. this time the traveller encountered demons.the demons hungrily eyed the traveller's flesh and one by one they each came up with a convincing act to deceive him and once again the foolish traveller was quick to believe and willingly gave away his arms and legs to the demons of the forest. eventually only his head was left and even so the traveller still gave his eyes to the last demon. as the last demon gobbled up the eyes he said, "thankyou for that! allow me to give you a present." he then dropped something in front of the traveller but even his words were a lie. the present was nothin more than a scrap piece of paper with the word "idiot" written on it. and yet the traveller was overwhelmed with tears of joy. "thankyou! thankyou!" he kept repeatin over and over again. "this is the first time someone has given me a present. thankyou! thankyou!" and tears just kept on flowing from the eyes that weren't there and eventually the traveller died.
21 June
*sigh* the last day being 13 and the last day of me being alive! yes and you know in just half a yr i've gained so many friends...thats crazy. and i dont regret one bit of gainin so many^^ anyways...wow 14 feels so old. oh well. i'm lost for words>< well i'll give you a summary of my 13 yrs.
i was born (obviously), lked to rip tissues when i was young, went in kindergarten, dobbed on stella for usin a pen when it was actually a paser in yr 1, stacked it on gravel and cried, yr 2 met most of my primary friends, had iceblocks competitions with stella and got a brain freeze and choked to death cause david and karmen used to push the iceblock up into my mouth tryin to make me win and choke at the same time -.-', yr 3 we liked to care mrs di our teacher, yr 4 was the best! we were obsessed with harry potter and had a harry potter party and watched the first movie in cinemas with the class, our teacher's hair got stuck on a witch's hat or something, we used to play this games...it was lke softball...roundrobin? i forgot...yr 5 was good...had a cool teacher, we used to go in the storeroom and the teacher would read us scary stories, started to become blind because of the stupid blackboard, yr 6 has a cool teacher again called ms kelly who liked evangelion, got to bludge durin times when we were meant to be doin debating speeches, played mental friends (lol that was crazy), yr 7 went to hurlstone, mc, angela, spaz became my friends (i think i left out some), was a bitch and regretted it, yr 8 hanson, lisa, adam, and a whole bunch of others became my friends (i used to think hanson was a geek in yr 7), yr 9 is crazy and still is and so many things happenin T_T im realising things i never did.
14 July
time...what is it? is it the time on the clocks, the time passing each day, each month, each year? one thing is certain though. time allows creation and destruction. time...time...time. continuously ticking like a clock. yet the battery never runs out...time is endless. but the battery for us will one day end. one day that tickin will end... [i'm sorry everyone. i'm feeling really down for some reason]
i imagine the future. when everyone i know has aged, matured...will we be remembered? time may be eternal but when we are involved...time will never be eternal for us. that why we all have to "live our life to the max!" when the day comes and i disappear from this world...no matter where i am in this vast, expanse world of ours i'll always be forever near everyone. and my dear friends that i have known these past years...all the memories, however sad or joyous they may be, will be etched in my heart. though i do not wish to disappear any sooner...there's so many things to say and do.
ahaha...this may sound a bit absurd but i do sometimes dream of us all living in one big happy neighbourhood.
that would be one of my wishes...if i had a genie and a lampXD but then i have other wishes too...
just tonight i was thinkin of the memories when im older of everyone...like preethi and her laughin face and her killing me...david and him caring for everyone...angela and her spastic frenzies...uzma and her non-stop laughin sessions and her jap convos...mc and her killing me and yelling at everyone...hanson and him looking stoned and being himself...there are so many. all of yous are special...each one so different. now i have no time to write everything down...there's the word time again. i just want everyone to know that even though we might think we have a long way ahead and hours and hours of time, we might not have enough time to say and do the things we want. do not dwell on the past...what's done is done and however much we may regret it and want to change it we cannot. but at least we have the chance to change in the times ahead. that is what is most important...we have to power to change. that is why i don't believe anyone is truly bad because at least once in their life...there is a chance to change...their is always a crossroad on a path.
Last post 060726
25 July
Spring Is Coming!
i'm back after disappearing a long time^^ and its back to school...what fun! *cough* anyways, spring is coming soon and so it wont be freezing cold anymore. but then thats only the cover of what spring brings^^ lets see...life is unfrozen and melts back into life. warmth and sunshine rapidly overwhelms our days with happiness. and its a new season, for fresh new things to unfold. mwhahahahah! ok maybe not murder stories but yea you know what i mean....i think...mmm. but anyways i think everyone will lighten up a bit when spring comes, cause were probablyall stoned and looking frozen and dead due to the coldness. can't wait til spring even though my favourite season is winter...i hope days will be more lively...hehe more spastic moments. got to go sleep now...good night^^<---- ok i'm gonna try and stop using this expression.
ok i have to go now...getting in trouble>< bye everyone and good night^^
So much has changed. Good ole days. I really miss them.
Management Report. NOW. N-O-W
You know there's something seriously wrong with the world when you see people bidding past $5k for a piece of paper of a girl holding a phone. So if I print pieces of paper of me holding a phone will I never have to work for the rest of my life? Or why not donate the money to a better cause like The Wendy Foundation.
I think my sister wants me to fail uni. Bringing home dramas does not help considering that she knows I literally take years to finish one. So I think I'll be staying in uni for a while. Unlike her I can't watch a dramas in 3 days.
I think the postman is going to become best friends with my house. At least once every week a white van pops to the front on our house at 7:30am and the postman comes with a box or tube, rings the door bell and goes 'Good morning." Every. Single. Time. You'd think there would be some variation but unfortunately not. I think it's driving my mum crazy.
Mum: "Good morning, good morning. Every day I hear good morning! Next time you go pick it up. I'm not answering the door bell anymore."
Next time I'm going to say "Good night to you too" just to brighten up the postman's day.
I think my sister wants me to fail uni. Bringing home dramas does not help considering that she knows I literally take years to finish one. So I think I'll be staying in uni for a while. Unlike her I can't watch a dramas in 3 days.
I think the postman is going to become best friends with my house. At least once every week a white van pops to the front on our house at 7:30am and the postman comes with a box or tube, rings the door bell and goes 'Good morning." Every. Single. Time. You'd think there would be some variation but unfortunately not. I think it's driving my mum crazy.
Mum: "Good morning, good morning. Every day I hear good morning! Next time you go pick it up. I'm not answering the door bell anymore."
Next time I'm going to say "Good night to you too" just to brighten up the postman's day.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mothers' Day 母の日
So a normal post for today ^^" I'm typing this as I watch my Blackboard die. I need to do my Eco online test because I only got 6/10 TT-TT
I made apple crumble with my sister today and we kind of made up our own recipe lol We took one and a half hours to make it even though it said preparation time was only meant to be half an hour...My sister told me to chop bigger apple pieces cause they apparently shrink but they didn't even shrink that much >_> But our apple crumble succeeded :D
Oh LLOOL sister said something retarded today. I said to her, "You look like Mum." Then she gave me a wth look and said, "That's horrible." And mum who was sitting next to her whacked Judy and said, "Excuse me!" (there isn't really a direct English translation for what my mum said). LOLOL I laughed at my sister and said, "Haha Mum understood that." xD
I have done no work this weekend so I'm going to lose my hair the next few days over Perdisco. Yay~ I don't think I'm going to get out of this post-HSC lazy, do no homework state x.x It's terrible. Does anyone have any helpful tips?
Hope you all made your mum feel special today ^^
I made apple crumble with my sister today and we kind of made up our own recipe lol We took one and a half hours to make it even though it said preparation time was only meant to be half an hour...My sister told me to chop bigger apple pieces cause they apparently shrink but they didn't even shrink that much >_> But our apple crumble succeeded :D
Oh LLOOL sister said something retarded today. I said to her, "You look like Mum." Then she gave me a wth look and said, "That's horrible." And mum who was sitting next to her whacked Judy and said, "Excuse me!" (there isn't really a direct English translation for what my mum said). LOLOL I laughed at my sister and said, "Haha Mum understood that." xD
I have done no work this weekend so I'm going to lose my hair the next few days over Perdisco. Yay~ I don't think I'm going to get out of this post-HSC lazy, do no homework state x.x It's terrible. Does anyone have any helpful tips?
Hope you all made your mum feel special today ^^
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Just for Min
So like you guys don't have to look at these pics. They're from Men's Health...told you the pics are not appropriate for men hahahahhaha
Thoughts from a few days ago
Ermm I started writing this yesterday a couple of days ago and I've forgotten what I wanted to write. So if my tenses and time sounds weird, ignore it. Lack of updates on my adventures...not that I've been experiencing many.
Watched Iron Man yesterday at Min's and it's soooooooooooo good!!! Robert Downey Jr. is looking good for his age. I didn't know Gwyneth Paltrow was in it. I'm looking forward to Iron Man 2 :D Anyways, yesterday MC said that sticking my P plates in the middle on the boot looked weird so she moved it to the side. The thing is, Ann, Adam and I didn't notice that she moved them so when we were walking back to the car after dinner a scary incident happened to us. Here's what happened...not exactly because I can't remember what we said word for word.
Me: Hey Adam, that's my car yeah?
Adam: Yeah...Hey your P plates are not in the middle. They've been moved to the side. o.o
Me: OMG, are you serious? Who moved them?
Ann: OMG, did someone do something to your car? What if there's a dead man in the boot or a man lying in the backseat. Adam can you check please?
So Adam goes and looks inside the car while Ann and I stand a few metres away. Well everything was clear but we were so spooked, especially since MC said that my P plates looked weird in the middle. Ann sat at the front because she was scared somebody was hiding in the boot. Then I locked the car from the inside and Ann said, " Great, now if someone pops out from the boot we'll be doomed." We can die together Ann. ^^"
We met up with MC, Hanson and David at Little Star (and saw Anne) and I told MC that the freakiest thing happened. Then she guessed right about the P plate being moved so I was so confused. It was scary when we didn't know it her ^^"
So anyways, would you buy this mag if you were a guy? I swear some of the pics they put in this mag are just to persuade girls to buy it >_>
Moving on heh...guess what I made? A formspring account lol. I was bored and noticed quite a few people had one. Seems interesting. I'll play around with it and see if I get bored with it soon. Formspring me here: http://www.formspring.me/twentychoo
OH MY GOODNESS. I want to eat these now. But I am craving the mochi icecream at the bottom more.
Me: Hey Adam, that's my car yeah?
Adam: Yeah...Hey your P plates are not in the middle. They've been moved to the side. o.o
Me: OMG, are you serious? Who moved them?
Ann: OMG, did someone do something to your car? What if there's a dead man in the boot or a man lying in the backseat. Adam can you check please?
So Adam goes and looks inside the car while Ann and I stand a few metres away. Well everything was clear but we were so spooked, especially since MC said that my P plates looked weird in the middle. Ann sat at the front because she was scared somebody was hiding in the boot. Then I locked the car from the inside and Ann said, " Great, now if someone pops out from the boot we'll be doomed." We can die together Ann. ^^"
We met up with MC, Hanson and David at Little Star (and saw Anne) and I told MC that the freakiest thing happened. Then she guessed right about the P plate being moved so I was so confused. It was scary when we didn't know it her ^^"
So anyways, would you buy this mag if you were a guy? I swear some of the pics they put in this mag are just to persuade girls to buy it >_>
Moving on heh...guess what I made? A formspring account lol. I was bored and noticed quite a few people had one. Seems interesting. I'll play around with it and see if I get bored with it soon. Formspring me here: http://www.formspring.me/twentychoo
OH MY GOODNESS. I want to eat these now. But I am craving the mochi icecream at the bottom more.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Happy Good Friday & Easter!
YUMMM! Someone make me this please :)
Rants about uni make me miss high school :( I find uni okay right now but sometimes I wonder what I could be doing if I wasn't in university. For those feeling miserable about uni cheer up and think about the long weekend and do these weird tests I found :D But I do miss talking to people I used to see 5 days a week. I don't even talk to some people I used to talk to heaps. My sister said that my list of friends will reduce to the ones I see at uni which is totally not going to be true!
My car is arriving next week LIKE FINALLY! For all you drivers out there, test your reaction time.
Reaction Time Test
Oh, this test is weird. I thought that it was a joke until I actually tried because I couldn't see it. But now that I know what it says I can see it without doing the eye thing. Yes excuse the phrase on the picture...quite inappropriate. I didn't really want to post it because of the phrase but the test itself is quite cool.
For people for listen to Korean music.
I actually found a picture of Micky I like while randomly Googling.
SNSD is everywhere at uni especially when I have my Korean classes. The other day we watched the Gee MV in our tutorial which was pretty cool ^^ Last week during our lecture some random guy walked past and sang "Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby" really loudly LOL
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
The title was a random song that I shuffled to on iTunes. So who's going on an Easter egg hunt this long weekend?
Minh Chau I will kill you if I get capped from reading your updates on your blog. It used to be so easy to ramble on Blogger but now it's like...
I forgot I had work today >_< It feels like a Friday. So I got a call from my old tutor asking if I was coming to work and my reaction was "OMG OOPS!" I felt so bad for not telling her.
I ordered some things from the internet and they came today. The weirdo seller put the poster tube in a huge cardboard box with the CD and so my mum thought I bought a billion things. The second package didn't help either. It was wrapped in some big purple plastic blob even though the item was a book with a tube hanging off. My mum went o: and said that she's not accepting anything arriving next time. Hopefully she's joking ^^"
I hate rainy weather. It's forecasted to rain tomorrow TT-TT
Minh Chau I will kill you if I get capped from reading your updates on your blog. It used to be so easy to ramble on Blogger but now it's like...
I forgot I had work today >_< It feels like a Friday. So I got a call from my old tutor asking if I was coming to work and my reaction was "OMG OOPS!" I felt so bad for not telling her.
I ordered some things from the internet and they came today. The weirdo seller put the poster tube in a huge cardboard box with the CD and so my mum thought I bought a billion things. The second package didn't help either. It was wrapped in some big purple plastic blob even though the item was a book with a tube hanging off. My mum went o: and said that she's not accepting anything arriving next time. Hopefully she's joking ^^"
I hate rainy weather. It's forecasted to rain tomorrow TT-TT
Thursday, March 25, 2010
LOL @ my mum
I am currently meant to be writing my Management essay ^^"
Our television suddenly broke today and no longer works anymore after five thousand years having it ever since we moved into our home. Just then my mum opened it to see if it would miraculously start working again:
Mum: It's so weird how suddenly the TV broke. *switches it on*
Actually, I shouldn't turn it on in case it blows up and kills us all. *quickly turns off the TV*
My mum has the most random thoughts. And that was my funny moment of the day.
I hope you had a funny moment today otherwise you can laugh at mine :D
Our television suddenly broke today and no longer works anymore after
Mum: It's so weird how suddenly the TV broke. *switches it on*
Actually, I shouldn't turn it on in case it blows up and kills us all. *quickly turns off the TV*
My mum has the most random thoughts. And that was my funny moment of the day.
I hope you had a funny moment today otherwise you can laugh at mine :D
Monday, March 22, 2010
Uni is so much work. I decided to take a break from studying for microeconomics and write this.
Everyone is getting back onto Blogger :) Min you posted so many times! I can't wait until the Easter break. I need it to catch up on work and sleep.
Run Devil Devil Run Run~
Saturday, March 6, 2010
A Short But Wicked Review
Wicked is exactly what the title suggests.
It's worth more than the money you paid, the vocals are spine-chilling and the set, orchestra and cast are absolutely amazing. Plus the Capitol Theatre is very pretty. Much better than the Opera House in my opinion.
I went into the Capitol Theatre without really knowing the real plot of the musical. I only knew that it was set prior to Dorothy's arrival in Oz. I'm not going to spoil it but the plot flows and is really interesting. I watched the opening of the musical with this face :0 And pretty much watched the whole thing with this face except for the times I remembered to close my mouth. Honestly, I would go watch Wicked again. However my mum does not let me because she thinks I'm crazy and it's too expensive.
The music is wow. The orchestra was underneath the stage (I think) and the casts' vocals are O.O I bought the Original Broadway Cast Soundtrack but the Australian Cast is better. But you have to see the performances of the songs live. Defying Gravity is definitely my favourite out of all the songs. Jemma Rix who was Elphaba has an amazing voice. This performance was the last before the intermission and it gave me the chills.
The cast is excellent. Lucy Durack who played Galinda/Glinda is hilarious. Jemma Rix has one of the best voices I have ever heard. I never knew Rob Mills was in Wicked and was surprised to see him. I saw Bert Newton...not that exciting but it's cool to see someone from TV.
In short, go watch it.
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