Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Good Friday & Easter!

YUMMM! Someone make me this please :) 

Long weekend time for everyone :) So UTS people don't feel left out haha. I intend to bludge all long weekend and then catch up on work during the mid-semester break. How many easter eggs do you guys think you will have eaten by the end of the holiday? So far it's only 2 for me.

Rants about uni make me miss high school :( I find uni okay right now but sometimes I wonder what I could be doing if I wasn't in university. For those feeling miserable about uni cheer up and think about the long weekend and do these weird tests I found :D But I do miss talking to people I used to see 5 days a week. I don't even talk to some people I used to talk to heaps. My sister said that my list of friends will reduce to the ones I see at uni which is totally not going to be true!

My car is arriving next week LIKE FINALLY! For all you drivers out there, test your reaction time. OMG my reaction time 3 seconds which is really bad TT-TT It takes the average of all the times and all my times were 3.0 seconds. *tries again*   Oops, I realised I was doing the test wrong. You were meant to click the tranquiliser button but I thought you were supposed to click on the sheep. My reaction time is 0.2338 seconds which is only the middle rank "Bobbing Bobcat". 3.0 seconds is the worst by the way.

Reaction Time Test

Oh, this test is weird. I thought that it was a joke until I actually tried because I couldn't see it. But now that I know what it says I can see it without doing the eye thing. Yes excuse the phrase on the picture...quite inappropriate. I didn't really want to post it because of the phrase but the test itself is quite cool.

For people for listen to Korean music.

I actually found a picture of Micky I like while randomly Googling. 

SNSD is everywhere at uni especially when I have my Korean classes. The other day we watched the Gee MV in our tutorial which was pretty cool ^^ Last week during our lecture some random guy walked past and sang "Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby" really loudly LOL 

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