Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Who is more organised?

Hi cheepy peeps. The question of today is "Who is more organised?" Women or men?

From my experiences I say girls generally are more organised than boys. But that doesn't mean boys are incapable of being more organised or planning things. I find it annoying when I hear people stereotyping and saying that "you're a girl so you're better at it". I'm sure us girls like to organise but it's not funny when boys are paying themselves out. If girls are organising something then it doesn't hurt to help.

Another thing that is stupid: when people try to organise something when they are not good at organising. If you know you're not good at it let someone else do it. Stubbornly refusing help and then trying to sort everything out at the last minute is not the greatest thing in the world. Things probably would have turned out better if someone else planned it. Plus I'm pretty sure you're not going to die if you don't organise it.

That was just some food for thought.

Anyways back to what's been happening in these exciting holidays of mine. Kim's 18th party was awesome! Cake was soo yum. I forgot to finish my second piece. Kim took an age to get ready but she looked the best. I had to go home early because I thought my mum wanted me to go home. Turned out that she thought no one could drive me home if I stayed later *SIGH* So I missed out the last two hours of the party. Oh well. Thanks Kim for a fun party and Stella for holding it at her house!


  1. LOL im ugly boy

    omg i was at hot dollar
    and there was a tiara
    and it had
    pretty princess on it

    LOLOLOL i was gonna buy it!
    ill buy it some other time

  2. I organise heaps of things and they turn out well, the secret is to cater for whoever gonna be there. E.g. all guys make tsure there is enough food and you are set!

    stereoytpes annoy everyone though...

  3. LOL. it said love notes.
    so i clicked on it x)


  4. I can tell you one thing only. I am not the most organised at all =]

  5. i can organise if i'm excited about it.
    i can't organise if i know i'm bad at it. like baking. never make me organise a cake stall.

  6. haha @ what helene said.
    i'm bad at baking too even when i follow the steps perfectly!

